On Tuesday, June 9th, at 6:30 p.m., around 30 members of the community showed of for the Grand Opening of the Toastmasters meeting in Fall River at Business Innovation Center sponsored by CNP Integrations. For many of the participants it was their first time getting acquainted with type of atmosphere that the toastmasters bring.
People began to show up a little after 6 to introduce themselves and have a quick taste of provided refreshments. Discussion among all the new and returning members started the event off with some engaging conversation before it was time for what everyone was waiting for. We then gathered into a rather large room for everyone to be seated and the Toastmasters to begin leading the group. Essentially, people were picked one at a time to tell a story about themselves during certain periods of their life, whether it was going on a vacation or purchasing a motorcycle for the first time. The speakers had to talk for roughly a minute about their stories while being assessed by one individual who was the note taker. Toastmasters is a great way for people to understand how well they do when talking to a large audience, but also knowing where they need improvement. Following the Toastmasters "Sample Meeting" format the entire night included between 10 to 15 speakers in all and everyone seemed to enjoy each other with smiles and applause for their efforts while on stage.
Toastmaster club could not of asked for a better start for the grand opening at the Business Innovation Center, which is the Centers first official training center event since opening their coworking space doors June 1st. The Toastmasters Club has been around since 1905 with the focus of teaching men and women in the community how to speak, conduct meetings, plan programs and work on committees. It has grown into an international phenomenon and we are proud to be given the opportunity of hosting it in Fall River. Being the first Toastmasters Club in Fall River, this is a great chance for community members who want to improve this important skill set. The proven curriculum of Toastmasters combined with the fellowship and mentoring is an amazing opportunity. Come meet others, indulge in some snacks and network your way around. We could not be more excited for what lies ahead.