Today we had a kick off meeting for launching a BNI Group here at the BIC. This was well attended by some great leaders from our community. Today's meeting was spearheaded by Clair Rousseau and lead by Brenda Curry. The Bussiness Network International (BNI) organization was started in 1985 to provide a positive, supportive, structured environment for the development and exchange of quality business referrals.
Last year BNI passed Millions of referrals which generated billions of dollars worth of commerce. This is an exciting and vibrant organization and will prove to be a great resource for participating business owners.
If you want to grow your business and want to build your referral network, this is a perfect organization for you to participate in. To find out more you can visit the web site or join us at the BIC for a gathering. Join and keep an eye on our meetup pages listed on the BIC home page for scheduled meetings.
Here are some pics from today's kick off meeting: