IMG 6940

This is the third in a series of stories profiling the BIC Youth Outreach team:

Jacinto Zulueta
Age: 23
Subject area: Robotics and electronics
School: Self-educated

Q: How was it that you first got into electronics?
A: It was when I first took apart a motor, just to see how it works. I opened it up and saw only a couple of parts to it. I wondered how something so simple could work so I started doing research. I was like 10 or 11.

Q: How did you end up in Fall River?
A: I’m originally from Hawaii, the city of Hilo on the Big Island (Hawaii). I came up here with my parents when I was 17.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish by teaching youth about robotics?
A: I hope to reach someone that was in my place of trying to learn robotics. To fuel their curiosity and fuel their interest of robotics.

Q: Do you have any role models?
A: My role models are past scientists.

But if any stands out it’s James Clerk Maxwell, the guy who first started working with electric motors in the mid 1800s.

He was in the field, studying electricity and magnetism and he had no formal education. He wasn’t recognized for anything but one day he discovered something and that’s when people realized he actually knew what he was talking about.

It’s one of those stories… It’s definitely inspiring.

Q: What goals do you have for your own career?
A: I want to be creating the theories that really set the momentum and the pace of robotics and artificial intelligence.

Q: What’s your favorite Movie?
A: Treasure Planet

Q: What’s your favorite book?
A: The Rangers’ Apprentice by John Flannagan

Q: What’s your favorite music?
A: Dubstep, Electronic and House

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